I'm your boogie man, that's what I am.
I'm here to do whatever I can.
Despite rumors circulating on the national political scene that Tom Vilsack’s presidential bid will “scare off” the competition in the Iowa caucuses, Vilsack denies he’s the Boogeyman. Vilsack issued an open invitation to a national cable audience: "I think every candidate for president who's interested in being the President of the United States needs to come to Iowa and we need to campaign together.”
This said, I wonder what other potential Boogeymen and/or Boogeywomen will rear their heads and enter the presidential race -- emerging from underneath the bed or basement stairs, a dark closet, an abandoned warehouse in Texas, the oval office, or an undisclosed Wal-Mart near you.
The big question for Iowans is: Do we have enough room for more than one Boogeyman? After all, we already have our own Boogey man and “Master of Horror,” Rep. Steve King.
I'm your boogie man a-ha
I'm your boogie man a-ha
I'm your boogie man a-ha
I'm your boogie man a-ha
WOOO!OOOh aaah
OOOh aaah
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